Ignore Structured Settlements at Your Peril...

If you are ignoring structured settlements, you are making a fiduciary decision that could be costly to you and the claimant, and if you rely upon the defense to structure the settlement you are jeopardizing maximizing your client's money with potential implications to your professional liability.

Read more: Ignore Structured Settlements at Your Peril...

Why You Need a Plaintiff Broker

Defense brokers have no reason to be concerned with issues that affect professional liability exposure by devoting significant time to obtaining the most competitive payout from the highest rated carriers.

Read more: Why You Need a Plaintiff Broker

Why Not Accept the Structured Settlement Offered by the Defense...

An important transformation occurs in the completion of the structured settlement, a transformation that few plaintiff attorneys accord proper attention. The defendant's liability carrier assigns its obligations to pay damages to a third party. If anything goes wrong, the plaintiff's attorney will be the one calling their malpractice carrier.

Read more: Why Not Accept the Structured Settlement Offered by the Defense...